Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia – The differences between light and dark label
Since 2013, Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia has been an official Slovenian product (oil entered into the register of protected geographical indications), registered in the European Union. The Štajerska and Prekmurje regions have a long-standing tradition of growing pumpkins for oil and processing pumpkin seeds into pumpkin oil, dating back to the 18th century. The evidence for this claim can be found in the fact that the first oil mill in Štajerska has been established as early as 1750 in Fram.
At Kocbek oil mill, we have been using the traditional processing methods that were first introduced in 1929 up to this day. We work closely with local (Slovenian) pumpkin growers and use exclusively pumpkin seeds of Slovenian origin.
Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia
Light label
Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia with a protected geographical indication is an unrefined vegetable oil produced by pressing roasted pumpkin seeds, which are obtained from Cucurbita pepo pumpkins and grown in the Štajerska and Prekmurje regions. It is dark green to reddish in color, with a distinct strong aroma and flavor.*
At the Kocbek oil mill, the Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia has been labelled with a light (beige) label in accordance with the pumpkin seed milling process. With the hot pressing process used to extract these oils, the pumpkin seeds are ground in a roller mill with metal rollers.
Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia with the light label is intended for sale on the Slovenian market – at select points of sale and retailers.
markets, and in Slovenia only to selected points of sale, and gift sets.
Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia
Dark label
At the Kocbek oil mill, the Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia has been labelled with a dark (green) labelin accordance with the pumpkin seed milling process.
Oils packaged under the dark label are made from seeds that are selected and sorted before processing. This is done with a machine that removes impurities (pumpkin flesh and peel, peeled or damaged seeds – that which had been picked from pumpkins by hand or with a machine) to obtain clean and undamaged seeds, which consequently produce oil of the highest possible quality.
With the hot pressing process, the seeds are ground using real stone, resulting in an oil that is somewhat darker in color, more viscous and has a slightly different flavor.
Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia with the dark label is intended for sale on foreign markets, on select points of sale in Slovenia, and as part of gift sets.
Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia has a favorable fatty acid composition, as it contains approx. 18g of saturated fatty acids, approx. 32g of monounsaturated fatty acids and approx. 50g of polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g of oil.**
Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia is rich in tocopherols, as it contains about 50mg of vitamin E per 100g of oil.***
*Povzetek iz potrjene specifikacije za Štajersko prekmursko bučno olje št.324-55/01/58 GIZ Golica), potrjenega s strani Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja postopke za priznavanje označb posebnih kmetijskih pridelkov oziroma živil. In pravilnika sprejetega na podlagi tretjega odstavka 46. člena Zakona o kmetijstvu (Uradni list RS, št. 54/00, 52/02 – ZDU-1 in 58/02 – ZMR-1) o geografski označbi Štajersko prekmursko bučno olje, ki ga je izdal minister za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.
** V skladu z določili iz 1.odstavka 8.člena Uredbe 1924/2006 in njene priloge.
*** V skladu z določili iz 1.odstavka 8.člena Uredbe 1924/2006 in njene priloge.
ŠPBO je bogat vir tokoferolov, vezanih na vsebnost vitamina E, saj jih izdelek vsebuje v znatni količini, določeni v Prilogi Direktive 90/496/EGS oz določenih z odstopanji, odobrenimi v členu členu 7 Uredbe (ES) št. 1925/2006.
tocopherols, as it contains about 50mg of vitamin E per 100g of oil.***
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Cold and hot pressing
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