Every drop of sunflower oil carries the wealth of knowledge and open-heartedness of three generations of the Kocbek family, dedicated to respecting nature and carefully processing the bounty it provides.
Cold-pressed sunflower oil is obtained by pressing sunflower seeds of the highest quality. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is golden yellow in color and has a mild taste of sunflower seeds. Precious cold-pressed oil is one of the most revered oils in terms of health benefits. Cold-pressed sunflower oil is high in oleic acid, has an extremely pleasant taste and is beautifully golden yellow in color. The oil is rich in vitamins E, B1, B2, D and minerals, especially phosphorus and magnesium.*
Cold-pressed sunflower oil is suitable for oil pulling, which stimulates oral digestion and removes toxins from the body through the oral mucosa (oil pulling is the practice of swirling oil around your mouth for about 20 minutes and then spitting out – not swallowing the oil!).
You can read more about sunflower oil HERE
* V skladu z določili iz 1.odstavka 8.člena Uredbe 1924/2006 in njene priloge. ŠPBO je bogat vir tokoferolov, vezanih na vsebnost vitamina E, saj jih izdelek vsebuje v znatni količini, določeni v Prilogi Direktive 90/496/EGS oz določenih z odstopanji, odobrenimi v členu členu 7 Uredbe (ES) št. 1925/2006.
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