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Bio Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenija

Bio Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenija

Ingredients: 100% unrefined BIO Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia


Ingredients: 100% unrefined BIO Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia.

Organically grown pumpkin seeds in the hot-pressing process provide an authentic taste of the oil, coming from where the pumpkins feel best in the world. At the Kocbek oil mill, this BIO Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia has been labelled with a black label.

BIO Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenija is the recipient of the quality certificate KBZ »Our best« of the Maribor Tourist Board.

The activity of organic processing and sales is controlled by IKC UM.



Bio Štajersko prekmursko bučno olje Slovenija

Black label


At the Kocbek oil mill, we market BIO Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenija under the black label.


Since 2013, Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia has been an official Slovenian product (oil entered into the register of protected geographical indications), registered in the European Union. The Štajerska and Prekmurje regions have a long-standing tradition of growing pumpkins for oil and processing pumpkin seeds into pumpkin oil, dating back to the 18th century. The evidence for this claim can be found in the fact that the first oil mill in Štajerska has been established as early as 1750.


At Kocbek oil mill, we have been using the traditional processing methods that were first introduced in 1929 up to this day. We work closely with local (Slovenian) pumpkin growers and use exclusively pumpkin seeds of Slovenian origin.


Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia with a protected geographical indication is an unrefined oil produced by pressing roasted pumpkin seeds, which are obtained from Cucurbita pepo pumpkins and grown in the Štajerska and Prekmurje regions. It is dark green to reddish in color, with a distinct strong aroma and flavor.*


At the Kocbek oil mill, the Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia has been labelled with a black label in accordance with the pumpkin seed milling process. With the hot pressing process used to extract these oils, the pumpkin seeds are ground in a roller mill with metal rollers.

Read more about the process HERE



Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil has a favorable fatty acid composition, as it contains approx. 18g of saturated fatty acids, approx. 32g of monounsaturated fatty acids and approx. 50g of polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100g of oil.**

Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia is rich in tocopherols, as it contains about 50mg of vitamin E per 100g of oil.***


NET QUANTITY: 0,10l, 0,25l,

The activity of organic processing and sales is controlled by IKC UM.


*Povzetek iz potrjene specifikacije za Štajersko prekmursko bučno olje  št.324-55/01/58 GIZ Golica), potrjenega s strani Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano v skladu s predpisom, ki ureja postopke za priznavanje označb posebnih kmetijskih pridelkov oziroma živil. In pravilnika sprejetega na podlagi tretjega odstavka 46. člena Zakona o kmetijstvu (Uradni list RS, št. 54/00, 52/02 – ZDU-1 in 58/02 – ZMR-1) o geografski označbi Štajersko prekmursko bučno olje, ki ga je izdal minister za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. ** V skladu z določili iz 1.odstavka 8.člena Uredbe 1924/2006 in njene priloge. *** V skladu z določili iz 1.odstavka 8.člena Uredbe 1924/2006 in njene priloge. ŠPBO je bogat vir tokoferolov, vezanih na vsebnost vitamina E, saj jih izdelek vsebuje v znatni količini, določeni v Prilogi Direktive 90/496/EGS oz določenih z odstopanji, odobrenimi v členu členu 7 Uredbe (ES) št. 1925/2006.

Additional information

Weight 515 g

100 ml, 250 ml


Without, Gift box, Gift tube


Bio Štajersko prekmursko bučno olje Slovenija

Ingredients: 100% unrefined BIO Štajersko prekmursko pumpkin seed oil Slovenia


Nutritional values:

Average nutritional values per 100 g:

Energijska vrednost / Energy 3700 kJ / 900 kcal, Maščobe / Fat 100 g (nasičene maščobe / saturated fat 18,0 g, enkrat nenasičene maščobe / Monounsaturated fat 32 g, večkrat nenasičene maščobe / Polyunsaturated fat 50 g), Ogljikovi hidrati / Carbohydrates 0 g – od tega sladkorji / of which sugars 0 g, Beljakovine / Proteins 0 g, Sol / Salt 0 g, Vitamin E / Vitamin E 50 mg (417% RI*/ PDV*). *PDV – priporočen dnevni vnos / *RI – Reference Intake.


Quantities vary slightly from season to season.

May contain traces of nuts.


NET QUANTITY: 0,10l, 0,25l,


Use: Its characteristic aromatic aroma and flavor make pumpkin seed oil an indispensable ingredient in gourmet cuisine. It is most commonly used as a salad dressing, but is extremely versatile: it can be used in marinades and sauces, as a pasta sauce, for risotto, various meat courses (cold and hot entrées and mains), soups, dessert, various spreads and many more.


Storage: Oil must be kept in a dark and cold place.


Country of Origin: Slovenija


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Alojz and Antonija passed on their knowledge and experience to their son Anton, who in turn passed it on to his son Gorazd, who today represents the third generation in the KOCBEK family. Gorazd wants to continue the tradition of his grandfather and father and thus maintain a good name and top quality.


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